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Parent Events

Dads/male carers group

Kingsley Special Academy is very keen to provide support to dads and male carers of our children. We have had some lovely sessions in the past and we feel it is important to keep these going. During these sessions adults and children have worked together on projects together such as arts and crafts creations.

It is sometimes difficult for dads and male carers to spend quality time with their children. The group allows you to join an activity with your child and get to know other dads/male carers who are in the same position as you.



Family Learning week

Family learning week covers all forms of formal and informal learning that involves more than one generation. Children, Mums, Dads, Grandparents...All different family members! Every year Kingsley hosts a whole week of activities that families are invited to and join in with. We have lots of fun and it is a wonderful opportunity for children to engage in their learning with their families. Previous activities have included cooking, gardening, sensory play, creative activities and music. 


Coffee Morning

This parent group is open to all our parents and carers of children with additional needs and runs every Tuesday 9.30am - 11am term time. This group is run by parents to give each other support over a cup of coffee.


