Download and print the resources most appropriate for your child. Don't forget you can ask your child's class teacher which resources would be most suited to your child.
Fine motor skill and tracing sheets
Activity 1 - Read and match 2 symbol phrases (cut and stick)
Activity 2 - Match short words - no symbols (cut and stick; print twice)
Activity 3 - Match words - no symbols (cut and stick; print twice)
Activity 4 - Schedule card match (cut and stick)
Activity 5 - Colourful Semantics - match single noun cards (cut and stick)
Activity 6 - Colourful Semantics - match adjective and noun (cut and stick)
Activity 7 - Colourful Semantics - match subject and verb (cut and stick)
Activity 8 - Trace horizontal lines
Activity 9 - Match photos (cut and stick; print twice)